Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wordle me

I love little bits of useless but pretty things.

Marika who has just started to blog about her crafty adventures sent me a link to "Wordle" where it generates a scramble of frequently used words on your blog and mine came out with this: It's nice to know that there aren't too many negative words generated. :D I think it must only look at the first page of your blog though. I guess I have been talking about leather a fair bit!

Try it out!


Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. said...

That's just gorgeous! I really, really want to do it, but every time I go to it shuts my whole internet down. I might have to try it off the other computer. What a great idea!! Love it :-)

Josie said...

Hi! I love the "wordle me" cool! I'm off to try it right now.

By the way, I love your blog...inspiring to me how all around crafty a person can be!

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